Once upon a time in Nazi occupied France...Straight from the set of Quentin Tarantino's critically acclaimed masterpiece, Inglourious Basterds, this is Pfc. Omar Ulmer (Omar Doom) screen worn, hero, black single breasted tuxedo jacket with white pin on flower, white pocket square, white long sleeve with detachable wing collar and gold colored with black stone shirt studs, 'La Valiere' tuxedo shirt, (size XL) black clip in the back cummerbund, white cotton gloves, black with shiny black stripe down the side 'Aaw-berlin' tuxedo pants, and shiny black leather lace up the front 'Siam Costumes' dress shoes. (size 8) Includes wardrobe tag!
"We're in the Nazi killin' business and cousin, business is a-boomin'."Be the first to own movie memorabilia from the Oscar nominated Inglourious Basterds!